Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Conference Preperation

I signed up to be the budget chair for a conference that my school is hosting.  This is not an entirely new experience for me because I was the registration chair for a conference we held the previous year.  This conference has an expected attendance of about 80 people which isn't all that big but it is still a good experience for me.  Because I was the registration chair last year the registration chair for this year and myself decided to work together and create one tracking spreadsheet for both committees.  I think that this is a great way to go about things because first we are friends and work very well together and second because registration and budget are tied very closely together.  This spreadsheet take the registration information that is inputted into the google sheet by the registration chair and then calculates the amount each delegate needs to pay based on the number of people signed up for the conference.  I think this is extremely cool.

So here is the spreadsheet that I put together to accomplish this task.  It is a bit cobbled together and not the most stable thing if you have no idea how it works but it will do the job.  I am very excited to start inputing information into the sheet and seeing how well it works.

One thing that I would like to work on better is programming and especially creating google and excel spreadsheet to accomplish complex tasks such as these.


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